The Rental bond customer service representatives are the best in the area even during the pandemic. They were so professional and helpful throughout the process. Very quick to respond to any query, any time. Clear shot, 5 stars!
Eqaro Bond is honestly a smart and simple way to handle security deposits where all the stakeholder's interests are met at a very reason cost. The whole process takes less than 20 minutes to complete and you can free yourself from the whole hassle of security deposit.
Shiv Jawahar
Eqaro Rental bond is a unique concept and has helped us get our home rented faster. Being away from my rented property does not make me feel nervous anymore as my tenant's financial defaults on my property are getting covered by accepting Eqaro Rental Bond. Thanks, Eqaro Guarantees.
A Rental Guarantee will pay out the Landlord if the Tenant defaults on his obligations under the Residential Lease Agreement. It is used as an alternative to a cash security deposit. In the event of the Tenant defaulting on his financial obligations under the Lease during the term of the Guarantee (and subject to its terms and conditions), then company will pay the Landlord an amount equal to
• Unpaid rent and/or
• Unpaid rent for the balance of the minimum Lock-in Period and/or
• Unpaid obligation to pay for damage to the property at the Expiry or Termination of the Lease
• Unpaid expenses including utility bills, maintenance charges, water bills, club charges etc as set out in the tenancy agreement.
If the Rental Bond is no longer required and is terminated or returned by the landlord before its expiry, is there any refund?
Yes, if there are no claims under the Rental Guarantee, then on application by the Tenant, we will refund 50% of the remaining unexpired portion of the fee paid for the rental surety. If a tenant who is an existing customer shifts and takes out a Rental Guarantee for another property, then company will consider a full refund of the unexpired fee of the Guarantee for the previous property if there are no claims under it.
Can I transfer the rental bond to another property?
Yes, the existing Rental Guarantee can be transferred to another property on payment of the transfer fee. The transfer is also subject to the tenant obtaining the release of the Rental Guarantee from the current landlord and provided that there are no pending claims under the bond.
I am a landlord. How soon do I get my claim in?
You must submit your claim on the rental guarantees any time before it expires. The period of the Guarantee is for the period of the lease (normally 11 months) plus one month to facilitate a possible claim. A valid claim is paid within 5 working days.
What is the amount value of the Bond?
The amount value of the Rental Bond is the same as the security deposit that the Landlord would have taken from the tenant.
Who pays for the guarantee?
The Tenant pays the fees for the Rental Bond.
Is the Rental Guarantee renewable?
Yes, if you are renewing the lease, the Rental Guarantee can be renewed by completing the simple renewal process and paying the prescribed fee. We will be in contact with each tenant at least 30 days before the expiry of the guarantee to check if a renewal is required.
If I have had a claim paid out on my behalf to a Landlord under the Rental Guarantee, can I apply for another Rental Guarantee for another property?
No, not whilst the Tenant still owes money to the Guarantor under its Indemnity to repay the amounts defaulted on by the Tenant. If those amounts are promptly repaid to the Guarantor, an application for a new Rental Guarantee can be considered, but the Guarantor will not be under any obligation to issue one
Am I automatically approved for a Rental Guarantee for a new lease on another property that I intend to shift into when my current lease expires?
Yes, provided there are no claims on the existing Rental Guarantee.